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Coming Soon to NUS (Site Updates)

This page outlines changes and updates planned for the site. We'll keep this page updated as much as possible so you know what goodies to expect!

I can't belive we're only one month away from Christmas!  As we get ready to celebrate another Thanksgiving... making changes, corrections and enhancements to NUS are beginning to reach their peak. 

Over the past few weeks, we've been brainstorming simple changes that will make the site even better.  While I run the risk of bringing the entire site down (since I'm still a little green when it comes to programming), the end result is hopefully worth the risk!

A few new features have been added that will hopefully make the site easier to use. 
  • Adding a "renewal" section to all wish lists that prompts you to review items that are more than one year old.  This will help keep everything up to date.  The renewal section is contained within a red box, so if you don't see one on your wish list, then your items are all relatively new.
  • Updating the delete confirmation message to include the name of what you're deleting.  This seems like a minor change, but it really frustrated me whenever I got the "Are you sure you want to delete this item?" message since I was never 100% sure I clicked on the right button.  This change eliminates that chance of deleting the wrong item.
  • Site migration.  We migrated the site to a new server that's more stable.  This means less errors and better customer service since the server belongs to my husband.  :)  I've been still ironing out the kinks surrounding the email accounts, so I apolgize if you received any errors or didn't receive a response to a message sent from the site.

There are also a few other things we're working on for the immediate future.  Some additional enhancements you'll see include: adding the ability to anonymously purchase an item, the ability to add an item marked as "partial" to your shopping list, the ability to sort others' wish lists by name, importance, price and status, and finally the ability to email your wish list.

We hope to have these changes done within the next few weeks, so please check back!  As always, keep tabs on the Administrator's note on your dashboard for the latest information about the site.



Where has the year gone! Well, with half of the year almost over, I've been thinking of more enhancements for the site! In addition to some of the items listed below, I've been coming up with even more ideas. Such as:

  • Ability to add multiple wish lists that can either be public or private.
  • Ability to move items between wish lists.
  • Ability to set a particular wish list as default for your subscribers.
  • Changes to the site's session variables (behind the scenes) to help things run smoother.
  • Possible addition of subscription approvals (similar to friends requests on Facebook).
  • Ability to sort wish list items by price, importance and purchase status.
  • Overall site redesign (look, layout & colors).
  • Build a mobile site that's easily accessible by smartphones.
Whew! That's a lot of stuff, and the ideas keep popping up! I hope to knock a bunch of these out this year, but that list is pretty aggressive! Please feel free to suggest additional ideas by using the contact us page. Thank you!

Happy New Year! Wow! Another year has flown by, reminding me it's been just over one year since NoUglySweaters was born! I want to give a big "shout out" to everyone who has helped me with testing and suggesting new features for the site. So, THANK YOU!

Now that Christmas has passed, it's time to start thinking of some new features to build. In addition to the 11/03/2009 list, we'll be including these updates:
  • Re-thinking partial purchases so items marked as "partial" (by someone other than you) can still be added to your shopping list.
  • Adding a "renew" button for items you'd like to keep on your list year after year. This button will wipe out any purchase status or comments made by other members.
  • Re-adding the link from the shopping list to that particular item's details.
Thanks again, and we'll let you know when more updates are available!

With just around 50 days left before Christmas, we'll be working hard to bring more functionality and updates to NUS! Besides a number of "behind-the-scenes" changes, we hope to add new features such as:
  • printing a member's wish list
  • emailing out your wish list
  • updated shopping list format
  • password/username recovery
  • enhanced item comments options
  • and more!
Also, if you currently have a wish list on the site, be sure to remove any items you've already received to keep your list up-to-date!

Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions!

Thank you!

Wow! Where is 2009 going? Hard to believe 1/2 of the year is already over! That means Christmas is just around the corner!

I'm happy to see many of our members continue to use the site for birthdays, etc., even though we've had our fair share of problems the past several months.

Thanks to the help of my husband, we've correct some issues related to the purchase status on wish lists not saving. You may now change the purchase status of a member's item, and the change will be saved when the "update" button is clicked.

We also added the ability to update or change your password and hope to roll out a username/password recovery tool for those members who may have forgotten their login information.

There are a few other "behind-the-scenes" issues we're working on, however, they most likely won't affect our users.

Finally, here is a current list of enhancements we've got planned:
  • Password recovery tool.
  • Send your wish list to one or more email addresses.
  • Invite family members and/or friends to NUS.
  • Print a member's wish list.
  • Site redesign.
Keep checking back to see what new things we're working on! And as always, feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, issues or suggestions you may have!

Take care!

Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that NUS helped with your shopping! Now that we're in a new year, we've got lots of enhancements to add to the site! Below is a list of features now available!
  • Estimated Price - Add an estimated price or range for each item on your wish list!
  • Multiple web addresses - You can now add up to three different web addresses per item! All links are also "clickable"!
  • Item description formatting - We've added a feature that saves the line breaks in your item's description. For example, if you want to add a new item that lists all of the DVDs you want, you can list them out as follows:
    - DVD 1
    - DVD 2
    - DVD 3
    When other members view that item, the information will appear the way you originally keyed it.
  • Purchaser Information - When viewing a person's wish list, you can now see who marked an item as "purchased" or "partial".
  • Item Comments - You can now add comments to any item on a member's wish list!
  • Session leak eliminated - For those of you who experienced random error messages and involuntary "log outs", we've added some code which will hopefully keep the problem happening again.

The above enhancements are just a taste of the exciting changes we hope to make to the site in the near future! As always, we value your input, so please feel free to contact us with any suggestions you may have!

A shopping list is now available! Can't remember everything you've purchased? Click on "My Shopping List" under Member Tools to see everything you've purchased on one page!

New features have been added! You can now view how your wish list looks to other members (without the purchase information, of course)! Also, comment functionality is now available on an item's detail page! At this time, you can only post comments, but new features are soon coming which will allow you to edit and delete your comments as well! In the meantime, this should help with items marked as "partial" since you can at least post what items you already purchased.

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements! Thank you for your patience!!

Thanks to all of you who have provided comments thus far! We've gotten some great suggestions, and have also verified that you're definitely looking for some of enhancements we've got planned. While our list continues to grow, below are some high priority items we'll be working on in the coming days:

  • Correct the "session leak" issue that produces the "Foreign Key Constraint" and "There is no row at position 0" errors.
  • Add the name of the person who's purchased an item from a member's wish list.
  • Remove all pop up windows, and use standard pages instead.
  • Ability to click on a link when viewing a member's item information.
  • Add a "view my wish list" option so you can see what your list looks like to others (sans the purchase information).
  • Make address information optional, versus required.
Please contact us with any other questions or suggestions you may have. Again, thank you!

Note: We're currently experiencing some issues regarding a "session leak". This means, you may receive an error message while clicking through pages after logging in. If this should happen, please go back to, click the "LOG OUT" link and then log back in. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have this issue resolved as quickly as possible.

It's test time! We were hoping to get ready for BETA testing before the Christmas shopping season began, but this meant we couldn't complete all of the features we had planned. We started on the site in mid-October, which gave us very little time to finalize the site. We'll keep working on these items during BETA testing and will update the "administrator's message" on the dashboard when new functionality is available.

Planned updates include:
  • Password recovery tool. *
  • Option to change your password. *
  • List multiple websites for any item on your wish list.
  • Location for estimated price.
  • Send your wish list to one or more email addresses.
  • Print a member's wish list.
  • View/print a "shopping list" of items you've marked as purchased or partial.
  • Formatting for FireFox browser.
  • Site tour that explains how NUS works.
* Please contact us if you have any questions or problems with your account.

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